I'm really not getting anywhere financially. Obviously. I'm working some, but I don't think it's adding up to anything. Look at me - look how much I'm working. It's not adding up, I'm sure. These minimum wage jobs are way crazy. I'm happy that I'm making enough tip money for coffee and some food every day. I'm very happy that I get a free meal when I work - as long as it's $9 or less. I'm very happy with Ashland Oregon. This money situation is something else, though. I'm not going to get a new job here. I'm going to leave. I'm putting in my notice soon. Maybe today. Then I'm going to go to North Dakota and harvest some sugar beets, if I can make that work out. I have a line out in water over there.
I love Ashland. It's a beautiful place where you can act how you want, and to a very large degree you can do what you want. We have all types of birds hanging out on this wire. Kids are smoking dope in the plaza after dark, and there's a lady riding her bicycle around with no shirt on. I was standing six feet from a cop at a Food Not Bombs feeding, and she strolled right by on her way toward splashing around in the stream. We've got a lot of hippies with dogs around here. We've got older bearded cats and couples living in VW buses and Vanagons. We have every type of bird I've mentioned sleeping in the park every single lazy afternoon - moms, dads, babies, bums, and all their respective cousins. A small child in the library gave me his two coolest stickers, and then a third one as an afterthought. We have people taking time to wave to me across three people drinking coffee, 'cause one of my eyeballs peeped at their big beautiful dog for a second. Smile and wave. I have all day reserved just for that.
I'll almost be sorry to leave this place. I love it here. My desire to keep moving is stronger than my desire to stake a claim here at 25 years old. And I'm definitely not going to stake my claim in a half-eaten bowl of salad. I have a feeling that Ashland might play a role in my future. Or not. I don't have that planned. Pedicures, airplanes, and a macrobiotic diet could also play an unexpected role. Who knows? I haven't planned beyond my hope to work with sugar beets for a few weeks. I'm keeping my schedule open. I love all of you.
I have had an idea for a while now that I have been meaning to propose to you. Have you considered a donation option on your website? I have seen those before using PayPal. I don't know how many dedicated readers you have, but I for one would help you out.
Sugar beets EH?
That is great. If you find GOLD tell Casey.....
We love you, too!!!
speaking on behalf on the internet: we love you too, chris.
stay free.
-- cannon
I like reading him too, but, to you guys saying he is "free" - he is not "free". He is a drain on society's resources. If society thinks his humor or some other social value (as entertainment or object lesson ?) is worth the amount he is stealing, fouling, borrowing, consuming, then so be it. But I think the fact he is largely "living off the fat of the land" (aka larceny and charity) should give pause -- what if everyone followed this dropout? All of us at least momentarily ruminate on it, but society as we know it collapses when people don't pull their weight.
qwHere's an idea I have used.
Holiday Inn Express, Hampton Inn, and Fairfield Inn all have "breakfast". They NEVER check if you are a guest. Just walk in, have breakfast - take a few items and leave. Oh, maybe walk in with your cell phone to your ear (-:
Also, most have internet - only some require an ID - most are open. Many have a computer for guest use.
I enjoy your blog...happy adventures
Anonymous person #1. Give pause, certainly. One should always give everything pause and think about causes, effects, consequences... always pause. But stop? No. I will not, nor do I feel I should. And I take exception to "fouled." What have I fouled? I take no pride or pleasure in "fouling" anything. To the contrary. I live simply, using few resources, generate little trash, and recycle everything possible. Anything I take ('steal') costs little or nothing - a shower; or is destined for the garbage in 10-15 minutes - breakfast at a hotel. I don't follow the letter of the law, but I have a moral code that I am very willing to defend. I don't do anything at the expense of other humans. If you don't like it, I don't care. You'll never see me.
Anonynous #1: "a drain on societies's resources"? Quite the opposite! Because he enjoys what would have gone to waste, or an occasional muffin from a national corporation? His carbon footprint is probably a tiny fraction of yours!
"doesn't pull his own weight"? I can't fathom what you even MIGHT mean by that one. "living off the fat of the land"? He's not poaching, even hunting, or compromising the environment in the slightest. I'd like to hear what your consumption pattern is. Idiot.
Damn... not to comment again about this, proving that my feathers have been ruffled, but further - I DO NOT solicit charity. I don't ask for change, I do make signs asking for change. And even further than that, I DO NOT accept government help in the form of food stamps, unemployment, welfare, etc. I also DO NOT take food from free Food Not Bombs feedings, etc - even though that food is made for me and anyone else who wants it. When I can, I have and always do GIVE food to anyone who wants it. I qualify for food stamps, but I leave those resources for others who are less capable of providing for themselves. Your depiction of me as a drain on society's resources is not simply picked out of the clouds (I understand where you're coming from) - it is, however, inaccurate. You can disagree, but you can't characterize me as a blight with no redeeming qualities.
I can't stand that argument that society will collapse if people "drop out". It automatically assumes that the person "dropping out" actively wants society to flourish. Personally, I could care less if my lifestyle hurts society, because it's none of society's business
I love your writing - it's like reading poetry. I don't get to hear birds sing or hear rain fall nearly enough and those things are free. You just can't go to the store and buy a surge of pure joy no matter how much $$$ you have.
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