Thursday, October 27, 2016

Mr. Buddy Heater and how hot it makes your pants.


I finished buying plenty of books. If I did this well regularly, I could work for less than ten days out of the month. It's been a long time since I've put forward a consistent effort. It's not really what I'm good at, but I'm relieved every day for having what I have.

I made a good effort two days in a row. But I felt lonely, cold, and bored. That doesn't say much great about the romanticized vision of "living in a van." Hopefully I'll be back to more golden times soon. For now, I'm floating around like a freeloader in a very comfortable safety net. All the white guilt and privilege makes me confused about how I'm supposed to feel.

I went back to Kennett in time to watch Jeopardy and help occupy the couch. There is a remote control for the fireplace, and us Harnes have been doing well with the clues.

Mr. Buddy is a good friend.

Most people who sleep in a van know this, and probably a lot who don't. The propane Mr. Buddy heater works. I have one in a box, but due to faulty electrical workings inside my brain, I forgot to bring that with me for last night. I've had the heater for two years, but haven't used it in a van. I had it as a backup in the tiny house, but our oversized vented heater there could keep everything at a toasty 96 degrees.

I screwed a one-pound Coleman propane can into Mr. Buddy, and marched it right outside. Cranked on low, it made the van a great place for white wine and downloaded shows.

  1. Click the heater on for five minutes, and off again for ten. 
  2. Crack a window, and never leave it on while you sleep. 

It's not exactly like indoor HVAC, but it gets the job done. I like watching the blue flames ripple for a few seconds before the ceramic plate starts to glow. Next I like how my pants get hot to the touch. Finally, my brow sprouts sweat, and I take off my hat.


Anonymous said...

. That doesn't say much great about the romanticized vision of "living in a van." That's right there is no romance about living out of a van but there are many more upsides then downsides in my opinion. Four and a half years of full timing it and still loving it. I think it has become quite popular amongst the twenty-somethings to not have to pay rent or mortgage but live out of a van and travel and have a great time

Pixy Stoneskipper said...

I agree with this comment. I also look forward to watching the cruise ships come into Key West to see if that's really as good as I remember it. In a way, it's not even so bad in mild cold if you just bother to wear warm clothing. I'd for sure like it in the 60's every night though. But I'll take no rent and no roots every time.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris the cruise ship that just got me to thinking is there any part time work available when they come into port to help unload or do any type of Labor Etc

Pixy Stoneskipper said...

Nah, those cruise ships have crews, and I'm pretty sure the tourists just hop off with what's in their fancy weirdo pockets. However, Key West is practically made out of job opportunities in the winter. I can't exactly promise you'd find employment, but if I was looking for a job, I would like the look of the market in a Key West winter. Mostly you get payed in cash, and being late or drunk doesn't seem to disqualify people for employment. I was thinking about maybe trying to be a bicycle mechanic while I'm there. I'm trying to make enough money before I leave where that's optional, but best to have the bases covered.

Give me a heads up if we're there at the same time. I don't know who you are, but I can guarantee I won't be up to anything important.

Anonymous said...

721sandwichesJune 17, 2009 at 7:43 PM
I was glad that the internet gave me a chance to fake-meet and learn a lot of personal information about a girl who I think is really cool. Meeting in person was a bizarreness I won't forget. It was fun, and I needed it. Times were kinda weird.

You quit the blog at a good time, I think. I hope I can read your words again in the future, but not if it means a return to a quasi-frazzled stage (which was so fun to read about). Stuff seems reeeeally good for you now. (Maybe you should switch to haiku).

Thanks thanks. I extend to you the sincerest of best wishes :)
Chris Harne
