Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014

We're leaving soon. A few days to tie up loose ends should be all that's needed. I'll get my two backpacking packs out, and we'll fill them with a little bit of clothing and a few provisions. We'll invite the tiny dog to hop in the car with us, and we'll be outta here. Good riddance to the cold underbelly of the northeastern United States, and good riddance to 2014.

2014 was a necessary year. I view it as a stepping stone to better years ahead, and with that mindset I'm right on track. I built a house. Not the best one, but I'm looking at it right now, and I'm pleased. It's more of a toasty little hangout fort, and if you think of it that way, the whole project was a huge success. So I'll look at it that way. I'd say I got engaged, but that was actually 2013. In 2014, I had mental battles. My cynicism has cranked up a notch, and I continue to struggle with knowing where my place is on Earth. As my personal philosophies twist and cant, I recognize that my fears and frustrations are tailor made for my age. Once again, I'm right on track.

Business is good. As I reported on November 7th, a period of low output led us to a disappointing income. We ramped up our efforts considerably, and that situation seems to be greatly improved. I can't predict the future 100%, but I'd say we're in a good position to drive around with little aim for a couple months. I'm ready to begin.

2015 will begin with an adventure. Following that will be a marriage. Kristin and Daisy and I will also move out of Kennett Square and begin to work toward new future goals.
