Thursday, September 3, 2020

Checking in

Checking in. Doing fine. Hard to know what to report when everything is in flux. Hard to know what variables are important - which changes might be important later in life. I'm seeing a new person, and it's going really well. I'm working on finding the right combination and dosage of medications to do... better. I'm still looking at improving my sewing skills as a bridge toward a different and better future. I'm currently freshly obsessed with bicycles, and trying to get more of my projects into an operational mode.

Living with my mom has been nice and pleasant and easy. We get along well, and we both have plenty of space in this big house. I'm trying something new. I've been transforming the room where I sleep into a place that is mine - making it match my style and what I want. In past times, I have always been too distracted with planning my next escape, leaving no time to arrange my surroundings to fit me, because what is the point if I'm just going to leave again? This time I am here for awhile, and for now this room is mine. 

In the same vein, I've set up another room as a big sewing room for me and mom. I built new tables with insets for our main sewing machines, and I built dedicated tables for cutting and ironing. I've been too distracted with bicycles to use and appreciate the sewing room, but the day is coming soon, and the room is very ready.

I have too much to share about thoughts and the specifics of the projects I've been working on. Maybe I'll get to that soon. At the heart of it all, I know that I am still just a little bit crazy, and I will probably always be searching for a way to fit myself into the framework. 


  1. All the more reason to keep making your own framework! Glad you're doing well :)

  2. Always good to see an update!

  3. Hey, three-speed...
    I just spent some hours re-reading Jeff Armin's Trans Am page on CGOAB and I have always been fascinated by your rock-star guest appearance...he never quite got that he was encountering cycling royalty, although he did pay some small obeasience to your ability to leave late and arrive early...but whatever the case, I just wanted to check in and let you know that I am watching and also that I consider your life to be a charming cartoonist also, to say don't sweat the small stuff.

    The gift of giving the benefit of doubt is really a secret of the Universe and a function that I know you to be fully capable of bestowing on those who need it most.

    People like me, for instance.


  4. Hey TJ,

    I like that quote. "The gift of giving the benefit of doubt is really a secret of the Universe and a function that I know you to be fully capable of bestowing on those who need it most."

    You're right. I do that. Thank you for that compliment. Hope everything is alright on your end.

    Pixie aka Chris Harne
