Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I am living in a Toyota Sienna in Key West.

I'm in Key West.

I am not in Texas. I will be happy to return to Austin at future times, and park near downtown. "Mission: Home Base: Austin" did not work out. I left with everything that I brought. (Everything I own that's worth a damn.) A couple great things happened in Austin: I started sewing and familiarizing myself with various sewing machines; especially old sewing machines made of cast iron and tool steel. I focused an enormous amount of time and energy on the pursuit of skills and knowledge. I fell in love. I rented a room, but I turned it into a sewing workshop instead of a bedroom.

I left Texas in a hurry when it occurred to me that I didn't want to be in a house paying rent, and I wasn't likely to warm to the idea any time soon. As soon as that thought set in solidly, I was gone in a few hours. I need my space. I need control.

I am living in a Toyota Sienna now. I drove to Lisa's house in Georgia, and finished up the build with some shelves. I put Reflectix™ in the windows. I was apprehensive about living in a minivan after driving around the huge blue-striped van that I could walk around and literally dance inside of. Turns out I had a good plan though - the Sienna is great. A huge portion of the big van was wasted space.

I've been in Key West since New Year's. I helped Lisa work on her van while I worked on mine. (I put in a vent/fan and a solar panel etc. on her van.) Lisa is down here in Key West too. We hang out a lot, and mostly get along real well.

2018: Another year to be alive before I die. I'm going to buy some land. I don't like to speculate about the future, but the odds of me owning some land in Joshua Tree are high. More about that later. I'd like to report that I am continuing to sew a lot - I do have a Singer Featherweight machine with me - but I am doing more Loafing than sewing. And that is OK.

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