Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Turning the wheels toward Santa Fe.

After talking business at Denny's, we pointed the van toward Albuquerque on the same road. Referring to my maps for the millionth time, we saw Santa Fe to the north, and decided to turn the wheels.

What to do in Santa Fe? The computer said "Plaza," so I routed there. A nice square of grass is surrounded by many merchants. Tourists with tan shorts and wide hats walk slowly; tentatively accepting the invitation of a mild climate and good scenery. You can buy stones and metal assembled in various quantities and forms. You can buy cloth as if woven during a time in the past. You can buy jewelry off a blanket, or a t-shirt that reads "Santa Fe."

We took the dogs for a sniff, but soon enough hunger got the best of our wallet. 

As the sun faded, the distant mountains changed colors. We watched this from the far reach of a Walmart parking lot near a few other rubber tramps with various levels of wealth and shambles.

We slept here:  35.618328, -106.033854

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