Friday, March 9, 2012

Savings and Penn Studies

Studies get you money. I signed up for a study being conducted at Penn University where they dig into the details of your dialect. I'm required to make 12 calls for 10 minutes each. If I do that, I'll get paid $150. Every bit counts.

I'm saving hard for the Van-Land Savings Plan. I'm beyond my goals, and I've surpassed my expectations. If I stay on track, I'll be successful sooner than I ever thought possible. But I still have a road ahead.

At 7:21pm I'm talking to Bob about today's topic: holiday traditions. We try hard to keep talking. We pass the ball back and forth coming up with new things to say for the whole ten minutes. He sounds older, and I sound drastically different with every person I talk to. I hope that helps...

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