Thursday, March 22, 2012

Money. I'm doing pretty good here.

I'm getting older and trying to stay true to myself. I don't want to trade my precious conscious time on Earth. You can't trade me that for a bucket of bullshit. No deal.

I'm thinking - as always - about the Van-Land Savings Plan. It's a good plan with a dumb name. Where will I end up? West Chester, Philadelphia? Somewhere else? When I have $10,000 I'll start looking closer. Until then, it doesn't matter much. No money, no land. I'll have nearly $3,000 by the end of the month. I have no idea how that's possible. I know that it helps to quit drinking and start taking Adderall. But these numbers seem suspect. I double checked: yes - I'm doing pretty good here.


  1. You think you'll buy land in Philly?

  2. I was looking at Philly land lots. But I think I'll end up buying in the burbs. More trees and grass; less crime. I sorta don't want to leave my job, because it's pretty good. But I don't want to set up permanent camp with a ten foot electric fence with barbed wire on the top. Philly is great, but I want more grass and trees. Give me a secret little spot with that - make it close to a town with a nice coffee shop, and sign me up. That's how it'll probably go. We'll see...
