Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hot chips and eBay listings.

I went to the Herr's chip factory with Kristin. In my estimation, the best dates are mid-day and include hot potato chips off a conveyor belt. Nerdy as sin? Count me in.

I shipped out a ton of bicycle parts from finished eBay auctions. I took one of my Adderall half-pills and listed 19 more items for sale. A titanium stem, a Bridgestone CB-1 frame, a Giant Nutra frame...

I got the official 'ok' to sorta move in with my folks while I finish up college in the fall. So if I want to do that... I can do that.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah,the Herr's tour is kinda geeky but it IS pretty cool and my kids dig it...even for the tenth time. LOL.
