Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The future begins to come into focus.

I talked to Mike. We used to be in an awesome band, and he thinks he might want to try playing music together again. I couldn't agree more. I still listen to the CDs we recorded years ago, and I'm still a big fan. I'd like nothing more than to get better at playing drums again and record some new music. I think that playing in front of crowds is the happiest I've ever been. It's way up there.

I asked Mike if he knew of any rooms available in West Philly. He did, in fact. He was paying $250 per month to rent an attic room and he hadn't set foot in there for months. He seemed sure that I could sublet with a possibility of taking over the room officially. Some guys from Dr. Dog live there, and I already know those guys. I wasn't expecting that finding a place to sleep would be so easy. Amazing. I was expecting and imagining that I would move back into the van - but for $250 this was just too good! Utilities included, no less.

Everything is working out. In a surreal and exciting way, pieces are fitting together faster and easier than I ever thought possible. I'm happy. I'm very happy.

I drove to West Chester to hang out with Danielle and Gary. I gave them the updates, and I couldn't hide my hopeful excitement from spilling over the edges. I couldn't, and I wouldn't want to.

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