Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Portland's calm streets, vandwellers, and Community Bicycle Center.

I got up after the house went to work. I made sandwiches and plans. I rode along the Willamette River and through many small side streets. I saw why Portland has a well deserved reputation for being cyclist-friendly. I looked at huge crunk vans parked on the street. People live in vehicles, and it's pretty easy to spot which ones are somebody's home. The weather is beautiful, crime is low, and the attitude of the city feels permissive. Bueno. This is good.

I went to the Community Bicycle Center. This non-profit impressed me. Three blocks away, I saw a long line of young children riding bicycles single file. They were flanked by adults who were giving direction and encouragement. They were learning how to ride safely and properly in traffic. Bueno.

If you need cheap random used parts, you can find them in the clearly-marked bins at the Community Bicycle Center. There are even some nicer and fancier parts. I saw some great Suntour stuff for low swap meet prices. I managed to keep my wallet in my pocket. If you need to keep your bicycle running forever, this place can help you make it happen. It won't cost much.

I met up with Matt after work, and he cooked dinner while we caught up. We walked to Steve's, got some beer, and all of us talked some more.

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