Thursday, April 21, 2011

Last Day at the Bicycle Shop

I'm leaving on this long trip really soon. I still need to print up some directions, do a couple things to my bicycle, and sew some waterproof covers for my sleepshit.

Today is my last day of work. I'll be using the interim time to prepare and move my stuff from one place to another.

Now it is 7:21pm. I am sitting on the workbench at the bicycle shop. I'm talking to Shelly and Mark. Shelly and I will go out for a last-day drink. It's not a big send-off, but I have an Abita Turbo Dog and a Brawler from the PBC. I'll be back at the shop to pick up some odds and ends. I'll be back to move a lot of bicycles and wheels and stuff. I'll get my tools back, or a fair cash value.

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