Wednesday, September 17, 2008


It’s 7:21p.m. and I’m sitting here in a big comfortable chair at a Starbucks.  I didn’t buy anything, I’m just sitting around with my laptop plugged into their electricity.  I’m glad I didn’t buy anything, because using the internet here requires a t-mobile account.  I certainly don’t want to buy any coffees if they don’t come with any free internets.
I’m in Idaho or some such state.  I’m working my way over to North Dakota, and trying to stay high.  The part about “staying high” is a huge overstatement, but there’s a definite theme of smoking bud and watching TV on my laptop at an endless stream of Super 8’s and Best Westerns.  Best Western?  Shit, they had a comfy leather couch and I sat around there for awhile on the internet.  I usually stick to the van, but this sofa?  I’m on it.

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