Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thru Nebraska || broke mechanic

I split from the hobo zone early. I said my goodbyes to my new friends. I was happy to drive away alone in my empty house. Now I get to take over and make all the little daily choices. Now I can not worry about where anyone will sleep. I can park and sleep almost anywhere. I can take naps or stop to read any time. It's too easy. It's beautiful.

At 7:21pm I'm driving through Nebraska. This is a beautiful and redundant state. Two minutes after my watch was beeping, I answered my phone to a number I didn't want to talk to. CitiBank. They've been calling me very persistently, starting at 7-something A.M. I have a line of credit that I owe $10k on, and I can't even make the minimum payment. I explained my situation. I gave detail, and told him what job I had and which one I was trying to get. The operator was sympathetic. "I have a question for you" he said. I ended up trying to diagnose a sound on his old Bianchi touring bicycle. I provided advice and suggestions. It probably needs a tuneup, and likely a new chain. He wished me luck in Oregon.


  1. Chris, your travels are inspiring and I miss you. I wish you only the best of luck on the west coast!
    Also, I started my own blog?

  2. Why don't you come on up to North Dakota - you would love it here!!!!!!
