Sunday, June 22, 2008

Standing in van in Philly

My van is parked on N. Howard Street, right at the intersection with Girard Avenue. I'm standing in the van with the doors open, stuffing my u-lock and my long sleeve tie dye shirt into my backpack. I've got my race-y KHS bicycle leaned outside my doors, and I'm preparing to swing my backpack onto my shoulders and scorch over to the Fire - a bar where Jonas is working.

My purpose in Philadelphia is several-fold. Reason number one is that the comedy troupe 'Meg and Rob' is having a benefit show for themselves to raise money to perform in Minneapolis. They're performing for over an hour, and I probably wouldn't be missing it tonight even if they were doing just two sketches. Meg Favreau. Rob Baniewicz. Highly likable people. Hilarious.

Reason number two: I'm selling some bicycles. I finally took parts off of what I wanted parts from, and I threw away what I didn't want to deal with. The salable remainder is in my van - 3 bicycles which will all be sold by the time I leave tomorrow. It only took a few hours to hack off the roots that seemed so firmly planted outside of my van.

I was happy to spend an enjoyable night in Philadelphia without alcohol. I even rode through a long strip of tunnel down Locust St. with Nat and Caroline. Never knew about that before. I realized once again that I'm a jittery and hyper person, and without booze I come precariously close to shaking right off of a chair. Unless I consciously keep it in check. This is an observation, and is in no way a negative deal.

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