Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Homegrown" in Newark

I'm riding in the back of a car with Rachel and a dude, Alex, up front. I'm in the back seat and we're stopping off at guy's house so he can take a shower before we all go over to a bar on Main Street in Newark. That's 7:21. I managed to avoid drinking 100 beers. Just two. Fortunately, Nat's bro gave me some whiskey before I left for the bar, and everyone smokes weed always. On the way out of the bar, I ran into Mike's ex-girl Laura. During my time sitting at the bar, some lady came up and grabbed my shoulders because I have a black fluffy mohawk, and she knows someone else with a similar looking head.

It was an early night for me. I've been seeing the sun come up a lot, and I was back at headquarters before midnight.

I need to find some friendly people who don't give a fuck about general typical topics, and want to sit around all night long. I'm a crazy nice non-elitist who can get out of my brain long enough to banter to a conclusion when called for. If you are a person who is generally upbeat and non dramatic, and you think sitting around with no specific plans is not only un-weird, but simply the way things should work sometimes: call me up. By email.

I think I'm almost ready to be leaving Kennett Square. Really.

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