Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I'm emailing Lydia who has a blog at this link: Freedom Van She moved into a van on March 3 '08. A mere few months after me. Based on her blog, which I read straight through, it sounds like her reasoning was similar to mine. Since our rationale and actions seem similar, I emailed her. I'm compelled to email people who have things in common with me. I've emailed people with the last name Harne, and I've emailed people because one time they made a cool bicycle. I'm emailing Lydia because her van is fucking awesome.

Earlier on today I made an expensive order of lots of parts from J&B (bicycle parts wholesale supplier) to try to fix up all those bicycle that I haven't been working on. Hopefully that was a great idea, and I'll get all these bicycles fixed and outta here, and then be rich. You know: not very rich.

I continue to feel drawn to a different area. I still need to tie up loose ends, but I think Vermont might be calling me. I don't know if that's the type of call that I'll answer. I might just bide my time here and try to relax until I leave. I'm out of shape with bicycling (relative to how I was), but don't know if I'm particularly worried about that. I think my body would like more exercise though. Seems to me that I lack motivation to accomplish simple tasks. I'm going to have to figure out how to do even less, and make that rewarding and sustainable. I think I just need to learn how to torch work some glass.

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading your blog, freedomvan, and hobostripper for about a month now. All are really cool and inspiring.
    I'm planning on a move to Big Coppitt Key the first of june. Pretty much just me and my Fuji Shangri-la cruiser. Hopeing the 10 mile ride to key west isnt that bad. Any advice on making this move would be greatly appreciated, so if u have sum xtra time shoot me an email!
