Sunday, April 6, 2008

Reading in the Truman Annex

I'm reading Into Thin Air by Jon Krakaur. I'm sitting in my chair in my van which is my house in the big parking lot in the Truman Annex. I woke up this morning to a dead battery. Guess my little fan isn't such a hot idea quite yet. Here's what I did: called AAA, read while waiting. Drove to Baby's Coffee at mile marker 15 to charge the battery up. Got a big coffee and muffin. Sat in the van with the doors open and read. I sweated like crazy. No shirt on, sweating. Some breezes came in, but I was in the sun. Then I drove down to the Truman Annex spot and read some more. There is a good steady breeze there, so no sweat. Then I got tired and slept a good few hours. Now I'm up and reading again. I don't usually spend nearly this much time in my van home, but upon analyzing my feelings, I've discovered that I don't get the boring cooped-up feeling of sitting inside all day. My senses are still aware of being outside, and my mind appreciates this. It's like I spent all day in the park relaxing with my favorite chair and my bed for when I needed a little sleepy time nap.

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