Sunday, March 9, 2008

Internetting at Eaton Bikes

I'm here at the shop, hours after close. I couldn't get a good internet connection at Bubba's, and I decided to get to a keyboard that does not require two dainty pointer fingers. Here I am. I have the key. I'm pausing from my business to talk to Steven J. Klopp. Steve. He stopped by here. We're headed to the Tropic Cinema in a bit. I was just using the internet to look again and see that my $10,000+ balance was truly no longer on my Bank of America card, and had, indeed, been moved to my 0% APR line of credit. I couldn't sign into my account for the line of credit due to a temporary case of the sillies on CitiBank's end. Bitches.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like life is going well in Key West!!!
